'Christ the Light of the World'
To begin the celebration of the Launching Mass IFFAsia Batch13 & Rite of Commitment, everyone gathered in the lobby of Radio Veritas Asia (RVA).
February 2nd 2020, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord was a fitting day for this special occasion. Batch 13 participants are coming from 7 countries (Cambodia, China, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Vietnam). They embarked on a year-long journey of formation to become missionary disciples.
The first part of the Mass started with the lighting and blessing of candles. When each one was given a lighted candle reminding us of the words of Simeon when he recognized the child Jesus in the Temple as “a light to enlighten all nations.”
This was followed by a procession to the RVA chapel singing “the light of Christ has come into the World.”
We were blessed to have had Rev. Fr. Conegundo Garganta (Executive Secretary of the CBCP-Episcopal Commission on Youth) as our Mass presider.
A number of priests representing some of our participants from the different countries con-celebrated with him.
During the rite of commitment the participants expressed their desire to commit themselves to God as they enter this year of formation.
Unity in Diversity
After the Launching Mass IFFAsia Batch13, everyone proceeded to IFFAsia’s Session Hall for fellowship. Everyone was in awe by the very colorful and lively decorations prepared by the participants.
We were grateful to have Bp. Roberto Gaa (Bishop of the Diocese of Novaliches, our home diocese) to join us. He also led the prayer to open the fellowship and to bless the food.
During lunch, the Batch 13 participants were introduced by means of a video showing each participants’ background and vision for their lives.
After the delicious meal, the program was officially started by our dynamic, energizing and amazing MC’s – two of our participants – Air (Laos) and Paula (Myanmar).
It was followed by the welcoming remarks of the Director of our Institute, Florence Alexius.
Starting with the song “When Jesus says YES, Nobody can say no!” the participants continued to surprise the guests. Therefore, they performed their dance, showing their joy and enthusiasm.
The participants then showcased their country and identity through a cultural performance.
It was indeed a celebration filled with energy, joy and friendship. We hope will continue during the formation of Batch 13. The journey ahead will be challenging in many ways as they open themselves to the process of transformation. They rely on the support of your prayer as they undergo this process.