Pass it on!

Fondacio Philippines & Family & Life Ministry’s Youth CLUB

Pass it on! Youth CLUB (which stands for Youth Community for Learning & Unity Building) is a collaborative program of Family & Life Ministry and Fondacio Philippines.

Consequently, it aims to evangelize the youth and help them find their individuality which can lead to discovering their desired future and lifestyle.

Through these, the youth can become better servants, leaders, and members of a community. Moreover, they seek to share God’s love and blessings to other members of the community – to serve, lead, and love like Jesus.

The main participants are the children of the members of the FLM (Family and Life Ministry) of the Cathedral Shrine and Parish of the Good Shepherd (CSPGS).

When it started in December 2014, my parents were members of this ministry and because of this, I became one of the participants at that time.

In January 2017, some of us from the pioneer batch of the Youth CLUB became members of Fondacio Philippines.

By April 2018, I, same with Hadazza Dela Cruz and Francesca Duran, was invited to form the core team which organizes and administers the Youth CLUB activities.

The Youth CLUB gives the youth an area to channel and discover their authentic selves while having fun.

In addition, Youth CLUB provides them an opportunity to:
-discover their potentials (hidden skills and talents)
-enhance those that they already recognize in their selves
-develop their interpersonal relationships
-find means to be able to serve their true purpose
-strengthen their relationship with God and
-share God’s love to the world

As former participants, we are now facilitators. Hence, we are harboring the fruits of the seeds that Fondacio Philippines have implanted in us. We were helped to help and blessed to bless.

In conclusion, it is now our time to share what we have received.  Therefore, we hope to continue fostering this cycle of giving and receiving these blessings. Pass it on!

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