Recollection of Young Lives Laos Students

Harvesting the Fruits

Recollection YoungLives Laos Students

“We do not learn from experience…

we learn from reflecting on experience”

John Dewey

On Mar 20, 2020, Young Lives Laos conducted a Recollection for their graduating students. At the beginning, the students identified the fruits of their 6-month training. It was also the time for the Young Lives team to explain how they will continue to accompany the students after the program.

Then, the students created a road map of their journey in Young Lives. In order to do this, they identified the different important junctures in their journey and picked-up their important learnings.

During the Recollection YoungLives Laos Students, they reflected With the question “Who have I become after the past 6-months?”. They shared with the others on a symbol representing themselves. Below are some of the symbols of the students.

What symbol represents yourself?

“My symbol is a bird. It is the same with my life when I grow up, I can take care of myself. It is time to chase for my dream and build my own family.”

Pern (male, Vientiane Vicariate)

“My symbol before is a heart. Before I am very selfish but now I am more mature.”

King (male, Pakse Vicariate)

“My symbol is a stone. I choose the stone because it is very strong. Now, I don’t feel shy, I am not afraid, and I am ready to share what I have.”

Phaow (female, Pakse Vicariate)

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