Harvesting the Fruits

“We do not learn from experience…

we learn from reflecting on experience”

-John Dewey

On Mar 20, 2020, Young Lives Laos conducted a Recollection for their graduating students. The students identified the fruits of their 6-month training. It was also the time for the Young Lives team to explain how they will continue to accompany the students after the program.

The students created a road map of their journey in Young Lives. They identified the different important junctures in their journey and picked-up their important learnings.

With the question “Who have I become after the past 6-months?” they reflected on a symbol representing themselves. Below are some of the symbols of the students.

“My symbol is a bird. It is the same with my life when I grow up, I can take care of myself. It is time to chase for my dream and build my own family.”

Pern (male, Vientiane Vicariate)

“My symbol before is a heart. Before I am very selfish but now I am more mature.”

King (male, Pakse Vicariate)

“My symbol is a stone. I choose the stone because it is very strong. Now, I don’t feel shy, I am not afraid, and I am ready to share what I have.”

Phaow (female, Pakse Vicariate)